BrainChild Innovation is competing in AlphaPilot – Lockheed Martin 2019 AI Drone Racing Innovation Challenge!

AlphaPilot is the first large-scale open innovation challenge of its kind focused on advancing artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomy.

BrainChild Innovation is a startup located in the San Francisco Bay Area, California made up of a group of software and hardware engineer experts with backgrounds in robotics, aerospace, computer vision, neural networks, and image classification. 

As a member of NVIDIA’s Inception startup accelerator, we have familiarized ourselves with industry-leading Jetson AGX autonomous system hardware and software to be used in the competition. 

Our goal for this competition is to challenge ourselves and refine our understanding for industrialized uses of autonomous drone technology. If you have a use for an autonomous drone in your business and would like to partner or you want to sponsor our AlphaPilot team, please feel free to email us directly!

Download our Sponsorship Document here
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with AI and IoT Capabilities Will Improve Asset Inspections

Unmanned aerial vehicles with AI and IoT (Internet of Things) capabilities are changing the way companies maintain their physical assets. From wind turbines and solar panels to forests and agriculture, drones that can evaluate assets and send actionable information to professionals are changing the game for Nondestructive Testing. In reality, they have already won.

We haven’t arrived at the point where unmanned aerial vehicles with AI and IoT capabilities are the only set of technologies used to do asset inspections, but soon we will be. Just consider the rapid advances in technology that we have witnessed in the last 15 years — cell phones, civilian drones, smart cars, and wearable tech. The surge in technology is obvious, but what is less apparent is how all of these technologies are working together.

What the confluence of technology and AI allows us to do is to streamline inspection and maintenance in an accelerated manner. Many companies, government agencies, and other entities already use or are thinking about using, drones for asset inspections. The question is: are they using, or considering to use, drones equipped with AI and IoT? Having a foundation of these advanced systems is the difference between a professional assessing real-time data collection from potentially multiple drones, and being able to compare that data against an index of previously gathered information, and a situation where drone data needs to be uploaded and analyzed individually after collection.   

Advanced drone use and data collection are already being used by the highest levels of scientific endeavors; NASA is sending unmanned spacecraft to land on and observe other planets tens of millions of miles from Earth. Given the rapid advancement of technology, it is only a matter of time before similar methods of data acquisition reach the commercial market. Utility companies could inspect their assets after a storm, or a state agency could fight forest fires. Most of the necessary technologies to accomplish such tasks already exist but companies have been slow to adopt their use.

 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Automation overtook the automotive industry and AI machine learning is primed to be the next large takeover for the commercial world. Companies will soon no longer need to pour through an ocean of spreadsheets when AI can analyze and decipher data much faster than any human, and subsequently, provide only the most pertinent points of information. Combining drones for data collection is a logical next step for data analysis since a drone can interface with databases remotely and compare key points of interest. This emergence of AI and drones using IoT can revolutionize how asset inspections are performed all over the world.

BrainChild Innovation is the vanguard of unmanned aerial vehicles with AI and IoT.
We are that confluence of technology.

We’re looking for investors to scale our prototypes.
Reach out to us today.